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Weeks passed, and Liam's gang huddled together in the remains of their hideout, keeping to the shadows and scavenging whatever scraps they could find. The fires from the chemical rain had died down, but the hive had grown even more treacherous. The streets were ruled by desperation, and every corner hid a new danger. It wasn't just the hunger or...

Gerald, the newest member of the inner circle, cautiously led Hans, Liam, and Charles through the oppressive darkness. The hive had been unnervingly quiet over the past few days. The recent downpour of chemical rain had devastated massive sections of the area, melting away entire portions of the structure and taking with it scores of roaming...

Oroligheterna fortsätter i Hiven, även om det verkar ha lugnat ner sig efter att någon sorts kemifabrik från ett par våningar upp verkar ha sprungit läck och smält stora delar av de anhopade galningarna som vi behövt gömmas oss från de senaste veckorna. I stort har lugnet lagt sig tillfälligt och det har till och med gått och hitta...

The past few days had been nothing short of hell. Fires raged uncontrollably, turning what once passed for streets into smoldering paths of ash and ruin. Those with the means had long since abandoned this part of the hive, escaping to safer, more stable levels. Left behind were the poor, the sick, the elderly, and the young—and, of course, the...

Butcher bellowed in frustration as he returned with his ragtag band of misfits. The raid on the storehouse had been a disappointment, yielding little of value. To make matters worse, a few of his useless followers had the audacity to fall through the floor, taking his precious loot with them. They would face their punishment when they returned.

Rapporteringen har fått några problem det senaste sedan gillena helt övergav den här delen av hiven och redationen fick flytta ut till ett av betongblocken utanför vårt tidigare kvarter.

Liam peered into the darkness. Somewhere out there, the heretics lurked—he could feel it. Leonardos, the newest member of the band, sniffed the air, his nose twitching. He had a strange knack for sensing corruption in the air.

Veckan inleds med att Gillet för dödkött låter meddela att det råder viss brist på råmaterial, och en allmän uppmaning har gått ut om att alla skall återvinna det som de hittar runt om i Hiven. Vi här på Mitt i är starka förespråkare för återvinning och återvann till exempel vår reporter som var stationerad i polisdistrikt 12 här...

Det brinner kraftigt på olika håll i Hive Mortis, det är framför allt lokaliserat till de östra delarna, bränderna har orsakat störningar i strömförsörjningen och dessutom har ett antal bärande strukturer börjat ge sig, Gillet för brand meddelar att man uppmanar boende i områden där detta sker att be till Kejsaren och ta skydd under bord och bänkar...

Liam sat huddled in the corner, dazed and confused, struggling to make sense of everything that had happened. It had only been a few days since he was plucked from the settlement and joined the Reverend in the crusade. His faith in the Emperor had always been strong, but under the Reverend's guidance, it had intensified to new heights.