Cycle Three - A Pound of Flesh
Liam peered into the darkness. Somewhere out there, the heretics lurked—he could feel it. Leonardos, the newest member of the band, sniffed the air, his nose twitching. He had a strange knack for sensing corruption in the air.
"They've retreated, down into the depths. I doubt we'll catch them this time," Leonardos muttered.
The Reverend, burning with relentless fury, scoffed. "We'll catch them soon enough. For now, let's head back to base. Gather the wounded and move out."
With that, the band picked up what they could and began their journey back to the old manufactorum they had claimed as their headquarters. As they neared it, Liam heard a deep rumble beneath his feet—different from the usual background noise of the hive. This was something deeper, more primal, like the very ground was protesting their presence.
He stopped in his tracks, causing Hans, ever his mentor, to bump into him.
"Hey, what are you—"
Hans never finished. In the distance, a massive pillar cracked and shattered in a deafening explosion of concrete, plasteel, and rebar. A huge section of the hive ceiling—what passed for a sky to Liam and the others—came crashing down.
Liam's world turned to dust and chaos.
When he opened his eyes, he couldn't tell if it had been minutes, hours, or days. Everything was covered in thick dust, debris strewn everywhere. His vision blurred, showing only devastation. Slowly, he pushed himself off the ground and began to search, calling out for his comrades amidst the wreckage.
Cycle Three - Rules
- Due to the Corpse Guild shortage of material, any fighter that dies for one reason or another can be sold to the guild, netting the owning gang it's T characteristic x 10 Creds in income.
- So a fighter with T 3 at death will grant 30 Creds. - Any fighter in the gang can be sold as meat to the Corps Guild for the same price. This can be done once as an trade action by a Champion or Leader in step 5 of the Post Battle Sequence.
- Fighters captured by a Law Abiding gang can not be sold in this way, but must be sold in the normal way to the guilders, if the gang however is Outlaw, they may still sell captured fighters as above. Any fighter sacrificed or disposed of in any other way does not generate this income.
- Chaos is in Ascendance during this cycle.
- Before determining income for this cycle, one of the gangs territories are razed.
- Income from the territories are generated in step 4 of the Post Battle Sequence of the first game.
- As before, there are no new income generated from territories after the first battle.